Friday, January 29, 2010


We got in touch with a publishing house the other day, in regard to my book. It's Harper Collins Publishers. Dave overnighted the book yesterday so it arrived in New York City today. I am really excited to see what their response is. I know that whatever happens, is what's supposed to happen.

I've been listening to an audio book called "The Dream Giver". It's really teaching me a lot about our God-given dreams that we're all born with. Every one of us was born to do something great, and sadly many people don't ever discover what they were born to do, or are too afraid to pursue it.

I refuse to be one of those people.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

We are KNOWN!

Finally! Today my husband Dave picked up my first official children's book from the printers! They look great! I am so excited to see what God does with it. I hope it accomplishes everything that God has planned as well as everything I've dreamed of. It's entitled "I've always known you". It's based on the bible verses Psalm 139:13-18. I've loved those verses from the moment I read them. I connected with them. It always reminds me that God created us, and has known us since time began. We are so valuable to Him. I want this book to be a message to women that when they are pregnant, they are pregnant with so much more than just a blob of tissue. They are pregnant with a living, breathing person, who has a soul. They are pregnant with LIFE! This child has a plan for its life. I want children to know how precious they are to God; how they are KNOWN!

Let's see what God has in store.

Friday, January 15, 2010


I had a really strange dream that occured just before I woke up.

I was sitting in front of a treasure box and there was another person sitting beside me. I had the key to the box and looked to the person next to me and asked them "are you prepared for this"? before I opened it.

There was more to the dream, but this is the part that stood out to me the most. I don't know if it meant anything, but it seemed important enough to document.

So, last night was a HUGE night for Tyler. He finally got the courage to walk on his own! It was totally amazing. I love these precious little events that take place, that are really not so little.

They're Fantastic.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Recently Tyler discovered his reflection in windows (more specifically the entertainment center door). It was so cute. He interacted with his reflection. He touched his hair. I think he even played a short game of peek-a-boo. I love these innocent discoveries.

ahhhh, anyways...

I'm so thankful that I know the Lord. God has blessed me so much with certain gifts and talents. And I only have those things because of Him. I was thinking to myself last night about how I believe that there are people in this world who have God-given talents and gifts that they don't even know about, simply because they don't know God. Voices to be heard, cures to be found, books to be written.

What are people missing out on?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Holy Socks

What is it with husbands and holes in there socks? I'm sure it's probably a man thing, not just a husband thing, but in this circumstance, it's a husband. I can have a pair of socks for a few years before holes begin to form. Hmmm, what about some reverse psychology? I've decided that when I see a sock that has holes in it, I will throw it away. And maybe just maybe, when he has like 2 or 3 individual socks left, he will go get another pack of socks,

once and for all.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Today, as I was doing something in the other room, I heard the familiar sound of the drawer that holds the DVD's, opening. Well, Tyler knows that is a big no no. So I came into the living room and said, "tyler no, no. do you want me to spank you"? Well, he thought I said, "thank you" and he did the sign language form of the phrase. It was so cute.
Well, this is fasting season, and as usual, it's not fun. But, who ever really thinks that it is? However, God does some amazing things during this time. I usually choose to do a Daniel fast, where I can still eat, but I have to eat fruits, veggies and other healthy things. I have to say, that one of the main things that I've discovered when I do a Daniel fast, is this one, profoundly important fact:

I could never be a vegetarian.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sign Language

I love my sweet baby boy. He is learning new things everyday and teaching me to treasure the precious, innocent moments of his baby-hood. This is a very fun season. I have finally, successfully taught Tyler to say 'thank you' in sign language. He already says please in sign language (in his own way). For those of you wondering, he can hear just fine, but I've learned that an excellent way to help your baby to communicate with you is to teach them sign language before they know how to say it verbally. It really works! Even though it looks like he's blowing a kiss, rather than saying thank you. He might as well be. It has almost the same effect on me.
I love you Tyler David.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Polar Bears

Lately, I've been seeing commercials about the affect of global warming on the polar bear population. Why does it seem like people are more concerned about an animal than the tragedy of taking an innocent life from the womb? To value animal life more than human life is so incredibly backward. That's a tragedy. I understand that the battle we fight as Christians is not of flesh and blood, but a spiritual battle. But even knowing that, as a human being, I can't help but think like a human and it makes me so angry.

On a positive note~

It's so amazing how little children get so excited over the littlest things. Tyler's phrase of the month is "oooh, what's that?" It's precious beyond words. Well, today was my 'put away Christmas stuff' day, and I brought up bins to put the stuff in. Tyler saw the bins, and excitedly exclaimed, "oooooohhhh"! Over bins. Wouldn't it be great if, as adults, we got as excited over the little, seemingly insignifincant things in life?

MMMM, the sweet satisfaction of plastic bins.

Those are my thoughts for the day. Have a great one, full of excitement over the little things.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

I want to start off the year 2010, by blogging about my life. I don't have anything profound to say today, other than I know that God has some amazing plans for this year, I just know it. I have to make some changes on the first proof of my children's book, but it should be ready pretty soon to be presented to the public. I am so excited to see what God has in store for this book. Anyway, time to sign off, but Happy New Year.